Simon the pilot of my ferry out to Penguin Island insisted on taking my photo with Francis, the pilot of the seal tour that runs off the island, lol, probably because I was the only person there by myself. Francis said he often kayaks to work, nice job eh? The seals alternately stared at the crazy humans and ignored us. They looked more comfortable than the ones in the sea lion caves at home. Sea birds of all kinds crowded here too.
Penguin island was covered in sea gulls.. they had chicks in all phases of development, apparrently they just have them whenever instead of being regulated by seasons down here.
The tiniest penguins in the world are adorable. And I'm not cunning enough to have spotted any in the wild. They apparently like to leave at dawn to fish and return after dark (and the humans have been kicked off the island) to their burrows on the shore. Approximately 12,000 are said to live on an island that's got less than a square mile of land. I didn't come in molting or nesting season which are the only times they are land bound.
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